Monday, March 3, 2008

A mighty heart

Hello all.

I just finished watching the movie " A might Heart". The story about reporter Daniel Pearl. All I can say is WOW. I was totally amazed by his wife's courage and how much respect that I have for her. he was amazing and she was even more amazing, her courage and strength and how she was so well , amazing.
Marianne Pearl, if you are out there somewhere I just want to say to you what a remarkable woman that I think you are and if I could meet you and shake your hand, that for me would be an honor.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wow and Hi

Hi there,
this is like my first post and I really wanted it to be exciting and new and really just awsome. I guess that didnt happen so I think that I will just write what I know.
I wish that I had like a really more exciting life, you know. Like I could win the lottery or run naked through the park or just have something really exciting to say.
maybe next time.